Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Website and Digipak Plans Begin

I will now be moving on to the final stages of my coursework, wherein I will be producing a website and digipakfor 'L Zafo'. The website will be made using Wix, and as you know, the digipak will be prepared on Photoshop
Image result for wix

Tuesday, 27 February 2018


For making our Digipaks, we will be using Photoshop, and other Adobe applications if necessary.
These applications are all designed inch perfect to developing images in graphic design, so we couldn't ask for a better platform.Image result for photoshop

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Editing part 4- Finishing it off

Over the past week Bruno and I have edited our video, completing it, also using all the feedback from our audience focus groups. It is to be uploaded to this blog ASAP.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Audience Focus Group 2 Feedback

Our second audience focus group's reaction on the other hand was a little bit different.  Although some enjoyed it - saying it had a tense atmosphere which was very gripping, and a little bit of charisma which lightens the moods - not only did the others dislike the song, but they thought the concept of the video was lacking in a storyline... In hip-hop videos usually there can or cannot be a story line - some have it, some don't. I attempted to explain that there isn't supposed to much of a storyline, but some were having none of it. Either way, we attempt to work on the video according to all the feedback we were given.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Website Research 2

The ROCNATION website is a great example of a simple, concise, attractive website that I am taking inspiration from to make my own to promote the artist, L Zaffo.

Photographs of music videos and album covers (digipak designs) cover this page, along with a nice contrast of the red and black mix. There is little amounts or writing, and where it is, there are few words with big letters. Here the colours of the photos are not particularly bright, but they do stand out more than other parts of the webstie.

Representation of Artists:
I think ROCNATION's 'Artists' page is very well designed. The only writing on the page is to outline the different sections of this bit of the website. It is simple, yet a great way to put all the artists together on one page. All having an equal square each, the colours are either black & white or unsaturated, giving a nice contrast to the bold red and black of the website layout

Monday, 12 February 2018

Audience Focus Group 1 Feedback

Our first audience focus group have us back some really good feedback. 99% positive; they all said they really enjoyed it, and the atmosphere we have created is excellent. The only thing they could point out as an improvement were a couple of edits in the video that were a bit slow (as they weren't exactly finished).

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Audience Focus Group 2 Seclection

For our second audience focus group, Bruno and I have decided we need to replicate a secondary/tertiary target audience for the video. For this, we have decided to use my mum's friends, as they are all 35 years old and over, and in general either dislike or 'don't mind' hip-hop.Image result for old people

Audience Focus Group 1 Selection

For the first audience focus group Bruno and I showed our first draft of the music video to a group of our friends that we especially selected as they have a high interest in the genre. We believe this would replicated a primary target audience.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Editing - First Draft

We have now completed a first draft of the music video and will be showing it to audience focus groups in order to receive feedback that we can work on the video from.