Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Editing Evaluation part 2

For three more days now, we have edited our evaluation. All there is left for Bruno to edit when I leave tomorrow, is the fourth and final question on technologies used. This is more than doable for Bruno, and I am in fact very relaxed and stress free leaving to America.Image result for plane to america

Sunday, 25 March 2018

Editing Evaluation part 1

Over the past two days now Bruno and I have been intensely working on our Evaluation task, editing all of our footage together quickly, but with a lot of care. The problem is though, is that I will be able to edit the video for only 2 more days, but then I will be going to America for revision/holiday. This trip has been planned already for months, so I will be unable to cancel. I am sure with the time remaining, Bruno can easily finish it on his own, as we will have done the majority of work already.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Voice Recordings for Evaluation

For the last bit of our evaluation - the technology question - Bruno and I have now done several detailed voice recordings, which we will edit as voice overs in the video. We shall now begin editing as we have all of our raw material.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Website and Digipak Progress Check 3/Completion

I have now completed my website and digipak. I believe they are both of a high level, and will be an aid in helping me achieve a high grade. Both will be published here ASAP.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Filming Evaluation parts 2&3

Over the past couple days, Bruno and I have completed filming our evaluation task, up to question 4.
This will involve a voice over of some of the footage we have taken already, so we are close to completing this stage before we can edit it.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Filming Evaluation part 1

Today Bruno and I filmed the first part of our evaluation task here in school. All was fine, and we will be filming question 2 tomorrow.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

Website and Digipak Progress Check 2

It has been the better part of 2 weeks now that I am working on my Digipak and website, but I believe I am extremely close to completing them, and it should all be tied up within the week.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Evaluation Planning

Bruno and I have now co-ordinated a script made from our personal evaluations, and we are hence ready to start filming. We will be filming throughout the next week individually and separately. We also plan to make voice recordings for parts of the video.

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Pre-Production for Evaluation

Today, Bruno and I were made to write out answers to the evaluation questions. These answers were written as personal answers, but in order to produce a script for our evaluation task, we must integrate our two answers.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Website and Digipak Progress check 1

Over the past week I have been working very hard on producing my  website and digipak. I have made a great amount of process, but there is still quite a lot of work to do. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Zacky Unavailable for Photoshoot

For his own personal reasons, Zacky is unable to take part in the project any further, as he is having his own trouble at home. This comes as a major blow to Bruno and I, but we are thinking positively. There are still a number of ways we can produce digipaks and websites without photos of Zacky.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Photos for Digipak

The next steps of our coursework involves us separately making digipaks for albums of 'L Zafo', and websites representing L Zafo.  We will be needing Zacky to do a photoshoot with us, so we have a good selection of photographs to use for these tasks.